

                    help="Verify auth credentials are valid")
def is_authenticated()


def perform_type_query(query_type: str,
                       print: bool = True,
                       to_file: Optional[Path] = None,
                       **kwargs) -> List


  • query_type - The type of query to perform (Edge, Node, Workspace, etc...)
  • print - Print the search response to the console. Defaults to True.
  • to_file - Path to write the search response to. Does not write by default.
  • kwargs - Additional kwargs to pass to the search.



                            "allow_extra_args": True,
                            "ignore_unknown_options": True
def get_nodes_cli(
    ctx: typer.Context,
    name: Optional[Annotated[
        str, typer.Option(..., "--name", "-n", help="Name of node")]] = None,
    namespace: Optional[Annotated[
        typer.Option(None, "--namespace", "-ns", help="Namespace of node"
                     )]] = None,
    print: Annotated[
        bool, typer.Option(..., "--p", help=f"Print nodes to console")] = True,
    to_file: Optional[Annotated[
        Path, typer.Option(None, "--f", help="Write nodes to file")]] = None)

Retrieve nodes from The Guide

You can pass additional arguments to the search by passing them after a -- in the command line. For example:

  • grai get nodes --is_active True --name my_node
  • grai get nodes --metadata__grai__node_type Table

NOTE: Not all request parameters are supported by the REST api. See the documentation for more details.


  • ctx - Typer context primarily used for passing additional keyword arguments to the search.
  • name - The name of the node to retrieve. By default it will not search any specific name.
  • namespace - The namespace of the node to retrieve. By default it will not search and specific namespace.
  • print - Print the search response to the console. Defaults to True.
  • to_file - Path to write the search response to. Does not write by default.
  • **kwargs - Additional kwargs to pass to the search.



                            "allow_extra_args": True,
                            "ignore_unknown_options": True
def get_edges(
    ctx: typer.Context,
    name: Optional[Annotated[
        str, typer.Option(..., "--name", "-n", help="Name of edge")]] = None,
    namespace: Optional[Annotated[
        typer.Option(None, "--namespace", "-ns", help="Namespace of edge"
                     )]] = None,
    print: Annotated[
        bool, typer.Option(..., "--p", help=f"Print edges to console")] = True,
    to_file: Optional[Annotated[
        Path, typer.Option(None, "--f", help="Write edges to file")]] = None)

Performs a parameterized edge query against the guide.


  • ctx - Typer context primarily used for passing additional keyword arguments to the search.
  • name - The name of the edge to retrieve. By default it will not search any specific name.
  • namespace - The namespace of the edge to retrieve. By default it will not search and specific namespace.
  • print - Print the search response to the console. Defaults to True.
  • to_file - Path to write the search response to. Does not write by default.
  • **kwargs - Additional kwargs to pass to the search.


A list of edges matching the specified search query.


    help=f"Grab active {default_styler('workspaces')} from the guide.")
def get_workspaces(
    ctx: typer.Context,
    name: str = typer.Argument(None),
    print: bool = typer.Option(True,
                               help=f"Print workspaces to console"),
    to_file: Optional[Path] = typer.Option(None,
                                           help="Write workspaces to file"))


  • ctx - Typer context primarily used for passing additional keyword arguments to the search.
  • name str, optional - (Default value = typer.Argument(None))
  • print bool, optional - (Default value = typer.Option(True, "--p", help=f"Print workspaces to console"))
  • to_file Optional[Path], optional - (Default value = typer.Option(None, "--f", help="Write workspaces to file"))



@app.command(help="Apply a configuration to The Guide by file name")
def apply(file: Path = typer.Argument(...),
          dry_run: bool = typer.Option(False,
                                       help="Dry run of file application"))

Apply a file to The Guide either creating or modifying the associated resource.


  • file - yaml file to apply
  • dry_run - Print the resulting yaml to the console without applying it to the guide.



             help="Delete a configuration from The Guide by file name")
def delete(file: Path = typer.Argument(...),
           dry_run: bool = typer.Option(False,
                                        help="Dry run of file application"))


  • file - yaml file to delete
  • dry_run - Print the resulting yaml to the console without deleting resources from the guide.
