Deploy from source

If you don't have access to Docker or don't want to use it, you can still run Grai using sqlite. This is not recommended for production use, but it's fine for development purposes.


Insure the machine you're attempting to run Grai on has access to all of the following

  • Access to Grai's source code
  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • Either pip or poetry, and npm
  • sqlite3

Caveats and Disclaimers

This guide is not intended for production use. We primarily support containerized deployments using docker and kubernetes and we generally recommend you use one of those methods. If you're unable to use either this guide can be helpful for development purposes though it will not represent a fully functional Grai deployment as it does not include dependencies like celery and redis.


Gather source code

You'll first need to clone Grai's source code. You can do this with the following command:

git clone
cd grai-core

Prepare the Server

You'll need to install Grai's server dependencies. If you have pip installed, you can do this with the following command:

cd grai-server
pip install .

The server dependencies are now ready.

Prepare the Database


It might be convenient to create a .env file in the grai-core/grai-server/app directory with the DB_ENGINE variable set to django.db.backends.sqlite3. That way you won't need to run export in every new shell you open.

We will be using sqlite for the database where by default Grai uses postgres so we will need to set the environment variable DB_ENGINE to django.db.backends.sqlite3.

export DB_ENGINE=django.db.backends.sqlite3

We can now runt the development server.

cd app
python runserver --settings --nostatic

At this point you should see a message indicating that the server is running on port 8000 and that you have unapplied migrations. Our next step is to run the migrations. To do that you'll need to open a new shell in the app directory and run the following command (don't forget to set the DB_ENGINE env variable):

python migrate --settings

Finally, we need to create a superuser so we can log into the admin panel.

python createsuperuser --settings

You should now be able to load the admin panel at http://localhost:8000/admin and log in with the credentials you just created.

Prepare the Web App


It's unlikely the web app will function without redis, however, you should be able to see the login screen. The server on the other hand, ought to function just fine, allowing you to run integrations and retrieve results using the API, CLI, and integration libraries.

We will now move over to building and deploying the web app. Start by moving to the web app directory.

cd ../../grai-frontend

Install Dependencies

You can install the web apps dependencies with npm.

npm install

Run the Web App

You are now ready to run web app with npm.

npm run start

The web app will now be available and running at http://localhost:3000 (opens in a new tab).

Deploying Redis

If you're a truly motivated person you can deploy redis to get the web app working. Redis provides canonical documentation for deployment from source on their website (opens in a new tab).

The server will look for an instance of redis running on port 6379 by default.