
BaseID Objects

class BaseID(GraiBaseModel)

Class definition of BaseID


  • id - Optional UUID of the object
  • name - Optional name of the object
  • namespace - Optional namespace of the object

NamedID Objects

class NamedID(BaseID)

Class definition of NamedID


  • id - Optional UUID of the object
  • name - Name of the object
  • namespace - Namespace of the object

UuidID Objects

class UuidID(BaseID)

Class definition of UuidID


  • id - UUID of the object
  • name - Optional name of the object
  • namespace - Optional namespace of the object

Python Objects

class Python(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the Python programming language

R Objects

class R(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the R programming language

SQL Objects

class SQL(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the SQL programming language

C Objects

class C(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the C programming language

CSharp Objects

class CSharp(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the C# programming language

CPP Objects

class CPP(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the SQL programming language

Java Objects

class Java(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the Java programming language

Scala Objects

class Scala(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the Scala programming language

Go Objects

class Go(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the Go programming language

JavaScript Objects

class JavaScript(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the JavaScript programming language

TypeScript Objects

class TypeScript(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the TypeScript programming language

Matlab Objects

class Matlab(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the Matlab programming language

Swift Objects

class Swift(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the Swift programming language

Julia Objects

class Julia(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the Julia programming language

SAS Objects

class SAS(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the SAS programming language

Rust Objects

class Rust(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the Rust programming language

Perl Objects

class Perl(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the Perl programming language

Haskell Objects

class Haskell(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the Haskell programming language

PHP Objects

class PHP(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the PHP programming language

Kotlin Objects

class Kotlin(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of the Kotlin programming language

UnknownLanguage Objects

class UnknownLanguage(ProgrammingLanguage)

Class representation of a catch-all programming language

Code Objects

class Code(BaseModel)

A generic descriptor for Code